Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
""" Core module behind duckpy's functionality.

import sys
import os
import time
import logging
import argparse
import pyautogui

# Enable or disable pyautogui failsafes, depending on target/ whether or
# not we are hardcore quacking
pyautogui.PAUSE = 0
pyautogui.FAILSAFE = True

# Setup logging
LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT = logging.WARNING  # default
LOG_FORMAT = "%(name)s - %(asctime)s - %(levelname)s:%(funcName)s: %(message)s"
LOG_FORMAT_DATE = "%H:%M:%S %m/%d"

# Constants to aid in parsing of duckyscript
# Add repeat command
# Aliases for the above commands that will also be accepted
    'WINDOWS': 'GUI',
    'MENU': 'APP',
    'CONTROL': 'CTRL',
    'UPARROW': 'UP',
    'BREAK': 'PAUSE',
    'ESC': 'ESCAPE',
# Special conversions from duckyscript commands/keys to key names
# used by pyautogui. If a key is not listed below, then it will be
# assumed that its pyautogui name is the same as its duckyscript
# name in all lowercase
    'GUI': 'command' if sys.platform == 'darwin' else 'winleft',
    'APP': 'apps'

# Below functions are used in DuckyCommand

[docs]def _set_args(func, *args, **kwargs): """ Decorator that returns a new function which will execute the given function with the given arguments. Allows for a function's arguments to be set ahead of time. The returned function will not take in any arguments and will have the following attributes: * args: arguments that were passed to the wrapped function * kwargs: kwargs that were passed to the wrapped function * __name__: Will be overwritten with the wrapped function's name. :param func: Function to set the arguments for. :param args: Arguments to pass to ``func``. :param kwargs: Keyword arguments to pass to ``func``. :return: Function that when executed, will call the given function with the given arguments. """ def wrapped(): return func(*args, **kwargs) wrapped.args = args wrapped.kwargs = kwargs wrapped.__name__ = func.__name__
return wrapped
[docs]def _cmd_rem(comment): """ Function that just takes in a comment and does nothing with it to simulate the ``REM`` command. :param str comment: Comment string passed to the REM command. :return: None """
[docs]def _cmd_delay(ms): """ Simulates the ``DELAY`` command by sleeping for the given number of milliseconds. :param int ms: Number of milliseconds to sleep. :return: None """
time.sleep(ms / 1000)
[docs]def _cmd_repeat(dcmd, num_times): """ Simulates the ``REPEAT`` command by continually executing the given :py:class:`DuckyCommand` for ``num_times`` number of times. :param DuckyCommand dcmd: Command to repeat :param int num_times: Number of times to repeat :return: None """ # tell command to not set default delay dcmd._skip_delay = True # execute for num in range(num_times): dcmd.execute() # reset delay
dcmd._skip_delay = False
[docs]def is_valid_alias(dcmd): """ Checks to see if the given ducky command is an alias (i.e. in the global variable ``ALIAS``), returning ``True`` if it is. If the given command is not an alias for another, then ``False`` is returned. .. note:: ``False`` will still be returned if a command is given that has an alias. For instance, ``is_alias('ESC')`` is ``True``, ``is_alias('ESCAPE')`` is ``False``. :param str dcmd: Duckyscript command to check (case sensitive). :rtype: bool """
return str(dcmd) in ALIAS.keys()
[docs]def get_alias_target(dalias): """ Returns the duckyscript command that the given duckyscript alias targets. :param str dalias: Duckyscript alias (case sensitive) :return: Duckyscript command the alias targets. :raises ValueError: If given duckyscript alias is not valid (this includes if the given duckyscript command is not an alias). """ if not is_valid_alias(dalias): raise ValueError( "Given alias '{}' is not a valid alias.".format(dalias) ) # None should never be returned, as we guaranteed dalias is a key # in ALIAS through the is_valid_alias function
return ALIAS.get(dalias, None)
[docs]def get_alias(dcmd): """ Returns the known alias for the given ducky command. If the given command does not have an alias, then ``None`` is returned. :param str dcmd: Duckyscript command to get the known alias of (case sensitive). :return: Command's alias if it exists, or ``None``. :raises ValueError: if given ducky command is invalid. :raises TypeError: if the given ducky command is already an alias. """ # check if command is valid if not is_valid_cmd(dcmd): raise ValueError( "Given command '{}' is not quackable/valid.".format(dcmd) ) # we can't get the command's alias if its already an alias elif is_valid_alias(dcmd): raise TypeError( "Given command '{}' is already an alias.".format(dcmd) ) for alias, cmd in ALIAS.items(): if dcmd == cmd: return alias
return None
[docs]def translate_key(dkey): """ Translates the given duckyscript key into a ``pyautogui`` key name. A three step process is used to to this: 1. Check if the key is an alias, and if it is, get its target. 2. Translate the key using either ``TRANSLATE_KEYS`` if the key has a special translation or by setting the key to all lowercase. If a key such as ``CTRL-ALT`` is given (two key modifier) then each key in the macro will be translated individually. 3. Check if the key is found in ``pyautogui.KEYBOARD_KEYS``, returning ``None`` if it isn't found. A tuple of the translated key is returned, so that it may be passed right into ``pyautogui`` commands even if more than one key is translated in the case a modifier was given. :param str dkey: Duckyscript key to translate. :rtype: tuple :return: ``pyautogui`` name of the given key inside a tuple if it could be translated, otherwise ``(None, )``. If a given key name translates to more than one key, then a tuple of each key is returned (i.e. ``CTRL-ALT`` -> ``('ctrl', 'alt')``) """ # check if a two key modifier was given if '-' in dkey: return tuple(translate_key(key)[0] for key in dkey.split('-')) # Keys can also be used as commands, so get alias target if necessary if is_valid_alias(dkey): dkey = get_alias_target(dkey) # Use the TRANSLATE_KEYS dictionary if the key has a special conversion, # otherwise just set its keys to all lowercase pykey = TRANSLATE_KEYS.get(dkey, dkey).lower() # Check the key is found in pyautogui.KEYBOARD_KEYS if pykey not in pyautogui.KEYBOARD_KEYS: return (None, ) # rtype needs to be tuple
return (pykey, ) # rtype needs to be tuple
[docs]def is_valid_cmd(dcmd): """ Checks to see if the given ducky command is valid. Note that if a command is not valid in the eyes of this function, then the interpreter will not be able to executed it. :param str dcmd: Duckyscript command to check the validity of (case sensitive). Aliases and keys can also be given. :rtype: bool :return: ``True`` if valid, ``False`` otherwise """ # try translating it as a key if None in translate_key(dcmd): # not a key, so return whether or not it is a recognized command return dcmd in COMMANDS else:
return True
[docs]class DuckyCommand(object): """ Execute a line of duckyscript in Python. Will log to the logger entitled **duckpy**. :param str dline: Raw duckyscript line to execute/model. :param int lineno: Line number of the given duckyscript line if it is a part of a script (defaults to ``-1``, which indicates the line is not in a script). :param int default_delay: Default delay to use while executing. Essentially determines how long to wait before executing a command (except in the case of ``REM``, where this delay is skipped). :param dict script: Dictionary of :py:class:`DuckyScript` methods used for setting default delays and repeating commands. Used internally by the :py:class:`DuckyScript` class (see :py:meth:`DuckyScript.load`). :raises ValueError: If ``scripts`` kwarg does not contain all necessary keys for execution. """ def __init__(self, dline, lineno=-1, default_delay=0, script=None): """ Construct the command. """ # Logger self.logger = logging.getLogger('duckpy') # Whether or not to skip delay before executing command, in the # case of a comment self._skip_delay = False # default delay to use self._default_delay = default_delay # script object to use, check to make sure all keys present if script: for key in ('get_default_delay', 'set_default_delay', 'commands'): if script.get(key, None) is None: raise ValueError( "Expected key '{}' in 'script' argument not " "found".format(key) ) self._script = script # Line number of this command in the script self.lineno = lineno # Raw duckyscript line to execute self.raw_line = dline # Python function that models the duckyscript self.python_func = self._to_python(dline) def __repr__(self): return "DCMD:'{}'".format(self.raw_line) @property def default_delay(self): """ default_delay property. Value of this property will be determined by whether or not this command is a part of a script. If it is, then the script's default delay value will be used, otherwise this instance's value will be used. :rtype: int :return: default delay being used by the command :raise KeyError: If get_default_delay method of script cannot be found in :py:attr:`_script`. """ if self._script: # shouldn't raise an error, but going to check anyways try: return self._script['get_default_delay']() except KeyError as e: # change the error message and re-raise e.args = ( "Unable to get default delay for script (missing " "`get_default_delay` function)", ) raise else: return self._default_delay @default_delay.setter def default_delay(self, new_delay): """ Create the setter for the default_delay property. Setting the default delay depends on whether or not this command is a part of a script. If so, then the command will set the default delay for the script, otherwise this instance's value will be used. :raise KeyError: If set_default_delay method of script cannot be found in ``self._script`` """ if self._script: try: self._script['set_default_delay']() except KeyError as e: # change error message and re-raise e.args = ( "Unable to set default delay for script (missing " "`set_default_delay` function)", ) raise else: self._default_delay = new_delay
[docs] def _to_python(self, dline): """ Parses the given duckyscript line into a Python function. The command in the line (i.e. the substring that lies before the first space) will be parsed and then matched against known commands. If a match is found, the appropriate Python function is constructed and returned. If a match is not found, a function will still be constructed and returned, however the line will be interpreted as a series of keys to press instead of a command (for instance if ``GUI r`` was given, ``GUI`` will be seen as a key and not a command). A pre-check is done prior to the matching process, to ensure that the given command/key combo is valid. Here's a list of translations for commands and their Python functions: * REM: :py:func:`` * DELAY: :py:func:`` * DEFAULT_DELAY: This is done internally, see the default_delay parameter in the source code for details. * STRING: :py:func:`pyautogui.typewrite` * REPEAT: This is again done internally, see source code for more details. * (Other): :py:func:`pyautogui.hotkey`. :param str dline: Duckyscript line to translate. :return: Python function that when executed, will simulate the given duckyscript line. :raises ValueError: If an invalid command is given. """ # we just want ['COMMAND', 'ARG'] self.logger.debug("Parsing to quackable python: '{}'".format(dline)) dline = dline.strip().split(' ', maxsplit=1) if not is_valid_cmd(dline[0]): msg = "Given command '{}' is not quackable.".format(dline[0]) self.logger.error(msg) raise ValueError(msg) else: # Translate the command if it is an alias if is_valid_alias(dline[0]): dline[0] = get_alias_target(dline[0]) self.logger.debug( "Given command is an alias for '{}'".format(dline) ) # Go through possible commands, using python equivalents if dline[0] == 'REM': self.logger.debug( "Got command REM with comment: {!r}".format(dline[1]) ) # REM commands aren't delayed with the default delay self._skip_delay = True # emulate using _cmd_rem return _set_args(_cmd_rem, dline[1]) elif dline[0] == 'DELAY': self.logger.debug( "Got command DELAY with sleep param: {}".format(dline[1]) ) # emulate using _cmd_delay return _set_args(_cmd_delay, int(dline[1])) elif dline[0] == 'DEFAULT_DELAY': self.logger.debug( "Got command DEFAULT_DELAY with sleep param: {}".format( dline[1] ) ) # emulate with instance method return _set_args( self._script['set_default_delay'], int(dline[1]) ) elif dline[0] == 'STRING': self.logger.debug( "Got command STRING with text: {!r}".format( dline[1] ) ) # use pyautogui.typewrite to write out the given string return _set_args(pyautogui.typewrite, str(dline[1])) elif dline[0] == 'REPEAT': self.logger.debug( "Got command REPEAT with num: {}".format(dline[1]) ) try: to_repeat = self._script['commands'][self.lineno - 1] # 'commands' not found except KeyError as e: # 'commands' not found msg = "Unable to parse REPEAT command, as access to " \ "list of commands in script was not given " \ "(missing `commands` in `_script`." self.logger.error(msg, exc_info=True) e.args = (msg, ) raise # first command in script, so just do nothing except IndexError: to_repeat = _cmd_rem # use repeat command return _set_args(_cmd_repeat, to_repeat, int(dline[1])) else: # given a key to press # translate_key return data will be a tuple of tuples, so # use sum to 'add' the tuples together into one tuple (unpack) keys = sum(tuple(translate_key(key) for key in dline), ()) self.logger.debug( "Was given following keys to press: '{}'".format( ','.join(keys) ) ) # these keys should not be None, as is_valid_cmd verifies # they are valid # pyautogui.hotkey will also press single keys
return _set_args(pyautogui.hotkey, *keys)
[docs] def execute(self): """ Execute the line of duckyscript that was given during class construction. This will block until finished. :return: None """ self.logger.debug( "Executing line {}: '{}'".format(self.lineno, self.raw_line) ) # Sleep default delay if necessary if not self._skip_delay: self.logger.debug( "Sleeping for {} milliseconds (default delay)".format( self.default_delay ) ) _cmd_delay(self.default_delay) # call function self.logger.debug("Calling python function") self.python_func()
[docs]class DuckyScript(object): """ Representation of a duckyscript file. Allows for reading, parsing and execution. The given Duckyscript file to represent will be parsed and loaded on creation. :param str dpath: Path to duckyscript (text) file :raises OSError: If given path to a duckyscript file either does not exist or cannot be read. """ def __init__(self, dpath): """ Construct the script. """ # create a logger self.logger = logging.getLogger('duckpy') # where commands will be stored self.commands = [] # set default delay self._default_delay = 0 # create a script 'interface' that commands will use for # default delay and repeats self._script = { 'set_default_delay': self._set_default_delay, 'get_default_delay': self._get_default_delay, 'commands': self.commands } # check if the file exists and is not a directory if not os.path.exists(dpath): raise OSError( "Given script to load at does not exist: {}".format(dpath) ) elif os.path.isdir(dpath): raise OSError( "Given path to load as a script is a directory, not a " "file: {}".format(dpath) ) else: # save script location self.script_path = dpath
[docs] def _set_default_delay(self, new_delay): """ Method for setting the `default_delay` attribute. This is given to `DuckyCommand` instances so that they may set the default delay for the script. :param int new_delay: New default delay to set. """
self._default_delay = new_delay
[docs] def _get_default_delay(self): """ Method for retreiving the `default_delay` attribute. This is given to `DuckyCommand` instances so that they may get the default delay for the script. :return: `_default_delay` """
return self._default_delay @property def default_delay(self): """ default_delay property, using `_get_default_delay` as the getter method. default_delay is made into a property so the getter and setter methods can be passed onto children :py:class:`DuckyCommand` instances. """ return self._get_default_delay() @default_delay.setter def default_delay(self, new_delay): """ Create the setter method for the default delay property, using `_set_default_delay`. :param int new_delay: New delay to set. """ self._set_default_delay(new_delay)
[docs] def load(self): """ Loads the duckyscript and parses it into python functions for execution. Note that every time this method is called the duckyscript will be read and parsed (i.e. this method supports reloading of scripts). :raises ValueError: If line in duckyscript file cannot be parsed. :return: None """ # check if the script has already been loaded if type(self.commands) == tuple: self.logger.warning( "Script at '{}' has already been loaded. " "Reloading".format(self.script_path) ) self.commands = []"Loading script at '{}'".format(self.script_path)) # open and read file self.logger.debug("Opening file") with open(self.script_path, 'r') as dfile: for lineno, line in enumerate(dfile): # log the line "Got line (lineno: {}): {!r}".format(lineno, line) ) # strip line of any whitespace (including newlines) line = line.strip() # check that the line isn't just an empty newline if len(line) > 0: self.logger.debug("Parsing into ducky command") try: # create object dcmd = DuckyCommand( line, lineno=lineno, script=self._script ) # append to command list self.commands.append(dcmd) except Exception as e: # log the error and raise again msg = "Unable to parse line at {}: {!r}".format( lineno, line ) self.logger.error(msg, exc_info=True) # reraise the error raise # cast self.commands to tuple so we know if its already been # loaded self.commands = tuple(self.commands)"Finished loading")
[docs] def run(self): """ Runs the duckyscript file (loading it if necessary) by executing all of the parsed commands sequentially. Will 'pass through' any errors that may possibly occur during execution. :return: None """ if type(self.commands) != tuple: self.logger.debug("Loading script") self.load()"Executing script at: '{}'".format(self.script_path)) for cmd in self.commands: try: "Running line {}: {!r}".format(cmd.lineno, cmd.raw_line) ) cmd.execute() except Exception as e: msg = "An exception occurred while executing " \ "line {}: {}".format(cmd.lineno, e) self.logger.error(msg, exc_info=True) # raise the exception, as can't go on if an error occurred raise"Finished execution")
[docs]def main(cli_args=None): """ Takes in a duckyscript file, parses it and executes it. This function can be called by executing `python -m duckpy` however it can also be called manually by passing command line arguments through ``args``) :param str cli_args: Pass command line arguments directly. Example: ``"my_payload.txt -v"`` :return: None """ # create an argument parser parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description="duckpy: Duckyscript interpreter written in Python", prog="duckpy" ) # add arguments parser.add_argument( "dscript", help="duckyscript file to execute (should be plaintext)" ) parser.add_argument( "-v", "--verbose", help="Print log messages to screen (level INFO)", action='store_true', default=False ) parser.add_argument( "-vv", "--vverbose", help="Print log messages to screen (level " "DEBUG). Note that this will print a " "lot of output.", action='store_true', default=False ) # parse if cli_args: # pass in given cli arguments string args = parser.parse_args(cli_args.split(' ')) else: # otherwise get arguments from call args = parser.parse_args() # setup logging levels log_level = LOG_LEVEL_DEFAULT # should be set to warning if args.vverbose: log_level = logging.DEBUG elif args.verbose: log_level = logging.INFO logging.getLogger('duckpy').setLevel(log_level) # execute script and exit script = DuckyScript(args.dscript) if __name__ == '__main__': main()